
How to read the Bookings report

Your TableSense system can produce a Bookings Report for you. This report consists of a breakdown of all bookings for a given period of time as well as a visual representation of the number of bookings you have per day.

Navigate to your Bookings Report

  1. On the left menu, click on Report > Bookings
  2. You will see a page with a graph and a list of Bookings over the preselected period

How to change the time period

  1. At the top of the page, there are two fields with dates like so `08/02/2023` where:
  2. the first date corresponds to the start of the currently selected period
  3. the second corresponds to the end of this currently selected period
  4. Tap on the either field and a two month Calendar view will appear
  5. This view will focus on the month of the starting date and the next month e.g. if your period is `08/02/2023 - 08/05/2023`, the calendar selection will focus on February and March
  6. At the top of the Calendar selection view:
  7. There is a Month and Year dropdown view.
    Tapping on these fields allows you to select a month and year you'd like to review. Every time you make a new selection, the Calendar will change to focus on the time period around your selection.
  8. There are left and right arrows in the respective corners of the Calendar view.
    Let's say that we are reviewing Feb 2023. Your calendar will show February and March 2023. Tap the left arrow `<` and your Calendar will focus on the month before the currently selected one i.e. Jan 2023 and thus show you January and February.  
    Tap the the right arrow `>` and the Calendar will focus on the months after the currently selected one i.e. Mar 2023 and thus show you March and April.
  9. Once you have focused the calendar on the time you are interested in, tap the start date of your desired period to review and use the above method to navigate around the calendar until you find the date of your desired period's end. Tap that date, and voila, your report will change to reflect the new date range selected.

How to read the Bookings Graph

The Bookings Report Graph shows the number of bookings per day in the period you have selected. Let's say you'd like to see what happened with your bookings in the first 2 weeks of January 2023, you would select `01/01/2023 - 15/01/2023`.

Once you make the selection the page will change to reflect the period you selected. The bottom / X-axis of the graph will show each day in your selected period with dividers for each day so you can follow each day more easily. Meanwhile the left / Y-axis will focus on the number of bookings you took in for that day - these will be bookings that you have accepted no matter if the customer was a "No show" or "Cancelled", the only type of bookings you won't see counted towards your intake are bookings of status `Rejected`.  The graph line will plot the number of bookings per day and you can hover over the line at each day to see the exact number.


How to read the Bookings Report List

The Bookings Report List shows the all of bookings in the period you have selected irrespective of their status. Let's say you'd like to see what happened with your bookings in the first 2 weeks of January 2023, you would select `01/01/2023 - 15/01/2023`.

Once you make the selection the page will change to reflect the period you selected. A table with all bookings will appear where the bookings are in chronological order from the start to the end of the period you are reviewing. Each booking will be presented as a line in the table with the following details:

  • Status - the status of the booking at the time the report is being generated  
  • Area  - the area this booking is for
  • Table - the table this booking is for
  • Covers - the number of covers in this booking
  • Date - the date the booking is for
  • Duration - how long is this booking for